Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Without Love

Works are dead,
Faith is dead.
Without love, everything ceases to be alive.
Love is Life breath of the eternal energetic kind.

As humans, we may be motivated to act for survival.
This is fear.
Fear opposes love.

We may be motivated to act for faith.
But without love,

Faith is just

Blessed be those who love so unconditionally, so selflessly,
That with doubt so much bigger than faith in anything eternal or specific,
That gaze into the eyes of the ever-changing impermanence of the world,
Reserve their faith for One affection, the One and Only Love itself.

Regardless of whether that love changes shape or form,
They trust Love loves with eternally blooming joy.
For after-all, God is Love.

Faith is nothing without love, and love is all faith can trust in.
Anything more is actually less, as anything more is a condition.
Unconditional love will never leave nor forsake us.
For after-all, God is With Us; Love is always with us.

True, faithful love is full of unconditional eternal joys,
Whether we take the moment to appreciate them or not,
The joy remains none-the-less.

Love never ceases to fully love,
Whether we get caught up in appearances that change,
Love does not change the way it loves us.

Without love, there could be no living of lives,
As Love weaves yet another dream-catcher of a love story around our being,
Existence unfolds in an infinite quilt.

We may be motivated to act for love.
With love,
All is just



Wednesday, December 4, 2019

You are the Beloved

There is an indescribably perfect joy in even the imperfect human love when it is authentic. I know, because I have experienced such love. And ask anyone at all that suffers from a loss of someone they authentically love if they could erase having ever known and loved that person in order to erase all grieving and suffering, and even the imperfect humans we all are will say absolutely not. 

Dualities in experience are necessary for full expression of experiences to be revealed to the subject and observer... we are both of the latter as humans. The purpose of being human is to be subjected to perceiving separation from that which is inseparably an infinite one creation with a beginning and end that are the same, linked and flowing forth one into the other, as this the latter is a definition of God;) 

The purpose of God temporarily giving us the perceptions of separateness is so that we can fully experience the perception of wholeness, that which is God, complete and perfect love and the joy that is one with that. The purpose of our "separate" lives is to learn to perceive and experience more and more of this wholeness, this love... to yearn for and, in being true to ourselves and our heart's desires, to move towards that light of love that is God. 

Therefore, our purpose is to believe in and to create ourselves in the full capacity of all that we are in God. Love IS joy, your eternal happiness, and you are here with perceived absence of it and perceive separateness, so that you can choose to believe the truth despite appearances. Love is joy is salvation is resurrection, resurrection from suffering, resurrection from death, resurrection into eternal joy/ happiness. 

There could be no experiencing of this glorious truth without the dualities and life experience we now journey, my friends. Don't you see?... God's perfect love is unconditional and thus forgives and purifies anything less than perfection, allows it in fact to occur in this world, in these lifetimes of ours, so that we can choose to believe in who we really are, believe in what we perceive we lack, to believe it all is available in the eternity of existence. Why else would we be able to perceive we lack anything?! 

The miracle of life is that it is an evolutionary creative experience of an unfolding infinite creation, and this is most profoundly true on the spiritual plane where death and suffering are only the temporary subjects' perceptions to experiencing the awakening awareness of the infinite unconditional love that forgives, purifies, saves and resurrects into the place where nothing at all is lacking, the place where your joy is fulfilled.

Monday, October 21, 2019


On my mat, I flow.
With every glimpse I see you.
You meet my third eye
With your own inner vision.

Grounded and centered,
I see you standing tall before me
So beautiful and strong
A happy, healthy tree.

This tree, she is me.

I close my eyes
Behind them lies
Blue, blue sky
And a dragonfly.

Your peace permeates my entire being.
Your aura creates awe in me.

In gratitude I pray.

Autumn Rain

Tears nourish the soul,
Like rain the river
A full river

Finds ease to flow

Release, surrender, letting go
A merging, a welcoming back home.

Seasons of change
Bring us to tears
And then, new
Beauty to behold

Release, surrender, letting go
A merging, a transitioning into more.

Release, surrender, letting go
A cleansing, nourishment for the soul.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I AM Elemental

I am Fire
Bright and motivated from within
I am Air

Light and powerful like the wind
I am Earth
Grounded and nurturing
I am Water
Yielding and transformative

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Modern-Day Boy Who Cried Wolf

There was once a boy who cried wolf. On one specific occasion, he cried to me asking, “Don’t I deserve to be understood? Don’t I deserve love?”

When I offered him what he desired, he did not receive it. It takes love and understanding to receive love and understanding. When we allow fear to block love, we are unable to receive. We then perceive the love in fear as if it is the fear itself. Sometimes there is fear of inadequacy, of not believing we deserve it because we have attracted suffering when seeking it in the past. Sometimes there is fear of being manipulated by a wolf in sheep’s clothing, of being consumed. A fear is a fear is a roadblock to love.

I did and still do understand his fear of wolves in sheep’s clothing. All boys and girls fear them and cry over them until we realize they are just in our heads if and when we allow them to get into our heads, just like the skeletons in our closets and the ghosts under our beds. This boy had encountered what he perceived as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’d also encountered what he perceived as good and deserving sheep that were too good to stick around the lost sheep he perceived himself to be. The world inside his head was full of wolves and of sheep of varying degrees of good and deserving, yet the world at his source was one where only equally good sheep wandered about their given paths and no wolves existed. And the source had written the same one and only message of love that illuminates all paths to source upon the hearts of every sheep, so no sheep would be lost.

No one can save the boy who cries wolf, because the only wolf is the one he has created in his mind. It is only that wolf that presents the danger of being devoured. Because he has created this fearful creature and expressed his fears to others, he then fears the others could be wolves in sheep’s clothing pretending to save him but wanting to devour him. But it doesn’t matter whether they are wolf or sheep, because they still cannot save him nor devour him. They do not have that power. That power is his alone. Only he can save him from himself. Only he can choose whom he makes his master from the choices within him. Deep within him at his source, he can remember from long ago when the shepherd gave him clear instruction on how to avoid wolves. That understanding is within him.

The understanding and love that he desires has always been his. His source will continue to guide other sheep to cross his path, and some will have an understanding and love for themselves and thus for him too. But he will not be able to receive and to understand and love in return until he’s understood and loved himself. In his own time on his own path, he will come to that understanding and love of himself that puts his fears into perspective and illuminates his path as one that does not contain any wolves or danger. He will see that all the understanding and love he has ever desired is within himself, and he will come to the understanding also that there are others reflecting this love back at him from the outside looking in.

When this time comes, he will have the ability to reciprocate the same. He will also have the understanding within him that the shepherd gave him long ago to differentiate between the sheep that have currently lost their way from the ones that share his way, the way of understanding and loving oneself first. If he desires a partner to walk the path ahead alongside him, he will then be able to engage in such a partnership with a special someone that just happens to have found this themselves and desire this partnership too, when times collide and become one. This synchronicity can only occur when both sheep love their whole-heartedly found sheep selves, are walking the path of love that their source shepherd has written upon their hearts and want to share that love between one another.

I am grateful to have met this boy and to glimpse the light that often flowed in love from within him whenever he was not consumed by the fears in his mind. Because, while we each have the same source and the same love within us, it shines from us just as light through a kaleidoscope held in different positions. We each give off a unique beauty that blesses those who see and accept our beauty in the spirit of love. I am not concerned with whether or not I will be a special someone to him. I am fully aware that when timing is off with two people that it rarely collides in unity at a later point in their lifetimes.

Rarely do relationships or partnerships last in this world of the over-active minds. Often it is not a person’s time to be in lasting relationship, because they are not yet capable of reciprocating understanding and love, because they have not found understanding and love for themselves within. So many people feel lonely and afraid, because they have not entered such a relationship with themselves. Often these people seek to fill this void externally. However, once they hold the awareness that there is fullness within, are listening to their inner guidance system with the message of love from there source to guide their way, and are willing to share this inner adventure outwardly with another in a spirit of no-fear, THEN it is their time for building external connections that can last the test of time.

Only we know when it is our time. And when it is, there is no such thing as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and the boy has no wolves to cry over. He holds the power to free his mind to the love within himself, to recognize this love in others. He is safe and secure under the guidance of his shepherd.

When two recognize their love within one another, a special synchronous reciprocity occurs where love flows as it is intended to. Whether through partnership or friendship, we are intended to share the love with one another.

Seeking resolution and peace are all good, but we won’t find our peace outside of ourselves. We must search our intentions here as well, as we could be searching for acceptance outside of ourselves. We need to be sure we are okay with not receiving that, and that we seek peace with others with the intention of finding peace with ourselves, by making sure we speak our truths authentically as best we can. That is where I find my peace within. But peace is not love. And to ever find peace, we must first find love within… understanding, forgiveness, compassion for ourselves first and foremost.

The shepherd has many sheep. May we find ours in our time. May we not suffer along the way, but may we find happiness and growth in our “mistakes”. May we realize there really are no mistakes, only lessons in love. May we realize that fear and fearful creatures only exist in our choice to fear them, and that we hold the power deeper within at an unlimited energy source of love that enables us the ability to choose love over fear. May we all be in love with ourselves so that we may receive and give love to others… give the understanding, forgiveness, and compassion that we have within. May we all be at peace within so that we may collectively achieve peace on earth.

P.S. I hope you enjoyed my allegorical commentary inspired by a variety of spiritual teachings I’ve picked up along my path that I hold dear to my heart within.

Friday, January 4, 2019

With Us

You are everything changing forever
Like fractals, fireworks, spiraling along the never-ending fabric of life
You are the eternal garden of flowers of life that has no end beyond the constant horizon

You are the unchangeable constant infinity
Like energy, light, space expanding and contracting universe after universe
You are immeasurable love, limitless and unconditional, ever present, invariable, within and without

You are always you
When we surrender to all that you are
Then we embody all that you are

I am the eternal memory of everything growing
From the seed of an all-encompassing love
Immeasurable, limitless and unconditional, ever present, invariable, with us