Sunday, April 22, 2018

I am River

Slowing down to allow life to reveal.
Listening now to nature's pleasurable appeal.

The water flows around the rocks in its path.
Birds sing "Don't Worry." Let nature do the math.

I'm one of its many numbers, one of its living beings.
I'm one of its many feelings, one of its many seeings.

They say seeing is believing; Are many blind?
All of the answers in nature we will find.

The river sounds both energetic and joyful.
It feels no fear, no doubt, no lull.

It balances itself across uneven terrain.
Flowing forward with no refrain.

A river runs perfectly in every way,
A living, moving illumination of sun-rays.

Delighting every one of my senses;
Inviting me to join in as it dances...

--I wrote this in Boulder, CO at MysterE's River House, in the Amusement Park

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