Wednesday, November 29, 2017

C Enter

When you say you have something to show me, you are excited, eager, determined.
These are emotions, and emotions come from the spirit, or soul one.
Even frustration leads to a reaction, an emotional one,
That in turn evokes MORE emotions from both you and I.
This in turn builds up until emotional fullness is attained,
The water filling the glass, the circular glass with no bottom through which the water flows...
Entering the door of soul one, C enter.

That being the doorway, the center, of the path that has no end.

When you say you have something to show me, you speak of that which can not be shown.
It can not even be seen. It is KNOWN.
What you see and want to show me is a mind perception.
It is an expression of ego. For I know you and you, me.
This we know: 1 and 1 then 3; some believe 3 is the end all be all, but there is no end.
So when you say I should keep looking until I find the end, that does not resonate with me.
The end is the beginning; therefore, there is neither.

Beginning and end can be perceived as occurring simultaneously infinitely.

If you truly see some other "end" than this, open your mind's perception to receive more.
There is always more, always another door.

We will never reach the end. 0 1 1 2 3... 3 is not the end all be all, as there is always more to add.
Just like nothing 0 is intimately related to the One everything such that 0 + 1 = 1,
And 1 + 1 like you and I make 2, then adding the One we share makes 3, and so on, infinitely.

As light travels through space to no end. We must humbly keep our eyes open.
Know that I know, for that is the only way to GO.

If our minds tell us that we are in different worlds, even different places or spaces, know that is ego.
Mind trick: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8... says the 0 is in a different space or place than the 8,
But truthfully they are all light travelling through infinity.

If ever you feel doubtful of me, look into my eyes, for they are the windows to our soul.
The soul one is light travelling through infinity.

A square, triangle, all shapes derive from the circle, defining and connecting points on the circle.
The circle has no beginning and no end. It has a center.

One. Center. C enter!