Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Without Love

Works are dead,
Faith is dead.
Without love, everything ceases to be alive.
Love is Life breath of the eternal energetic kind.

As humans, we may be motivated to act for survival.
This is fear.
Fear opposes love.

We may be motivated to act for faith.
But without love,

Faith is just

Blessed be those who love so unconditionally, so selflessly,
That with doubt so much bigger than faith in anything eternal or specific,
That gaze into the eyes of the ever-changing impermanence of the world,
Reserve their faith for One affection, the One and Only Love itself.

Regardless of whether that love changes shape or form,
They trust Love loves with eternally blooming joy.
For after-all, God is Love.

Faith is nothing without love, and love is all faith can trust in.
Anything more is actually less, as anything more is a condition.
Unconditional love will never leave nor forsake us.
For after-all, God is With Us; Love is always with us.

True, faithful love is full of unconditional eternal joys,
Whether we take the moment to appreciate them or not,
The joy remains none-the-less.

Love never ceases to fully love,
Whether we get caught up in appearances that change,
Love does not change the way it loves us.

Without love, there could be no living of lives,
As Love weaves yet another dream-catcher of a love story around our being,
Existence unfolds in an infinite quilt.

We may be motivated to act for love.
With love,
All is just



Wednesday, December 4, 2019

You are the Beloved

There is an indescribably perfect joy in even the imperfect human love when it is authentic. I know, because I have experienced such love. And ask anyone at all that suffers from a loss of someone they authentically love if they could erase having ever known and loved that person in order to erase all grieving and suffering, and even the imperfect humans we all are will say absolutely not. 

Dualities in experience are necessary for full expression of experiences to be revealed to the subject and observer... we are both of the latter as humans. The purpose of being human is to be subjected to perceiving separation from that which is inseparably an infinite one creation with a beginning and end that are the same, linked and flowing forth one into the other, as this the latter is a definition of God;) 

The purpose of God temporarily giving us the perceptions of separateness is so that we can fully experience the perception of wholeness, that which is God, complete and perfect love and the joy that is one with that. The purpose of our "separate" lives is to learn to perceive and experience more and more of this wholeness, this love... to yearn for and, in being true to ourselves and our heart's desires, to move towards that light of love that is God. 

Therefore, our purpose is to believe in and to create ourselves in the full capacity of all that we are in God. Love IS joy, your eternal happiness, and you are here with perceived absence of it and perceive separateness, so that you can choose to believe the truth despite appearances. Love is joy is salvation is resurrection, resurrection from suffering, resurrection from death, resurrection into eternal joy/ happiness. 

There could be no experiencing of this glorious truth without the dualities and life experience we now journey, my friends. Don't you see?... God's perfect love is unconditional and thus forgives and purifies anything less than perfection, allows it in fact to occur in this world, in these lifetimes of ours, so that we can choose to believe in who we really are, believe in what we perceive we lack, to believe it all is available in the eternity of existence. Why else would we be able to perceive we lack anything?! 

The miracle of life is that it is an evolutionary creative experience of an unfolding infinite creation, and this is most profoundly true on the spiritual plane where death and suffering are only the temporary subjects' perceptions to experiencing the awakening awareness of the infinite unconditional love that forgives, purifies, saves and resurrects into the place where nothing at all is lacking, the place where your joy is fulfilled.