Friday, February 9, 2018

Be... Valentines

The following contains quotes by Rumi with slight revisions and additions and arrangement by me:

"This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Both light and shadow are the dance of love. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me. The one you love is you, is everything. Be silent. No end, no end to the journey. Instead of being so bound up with everyone, BE everyone. Walk out like a prisoner having freed himself, like someone suddenly born into color. Infinite mercy flows continually; those asleep just can't see it. Protect yourself from your own thoughts. We all have them, and they do not belong to us. It is what we make or don't make of them that matters. We are all the same. Listen to the reeds as they sway apart in the breeze, and hear them speak of lost friends. At birth, you cried at separation. Everyone listens, knowing your song. We all yearn for others who know our name, and the words to our lament. We are all the same, all the same, longing to find our way back. home. Back to the one, the only one. Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside of you. Keep traveling the long journey into yourself. I am the ocean and its turbulents, and you are each waves that belong to me. You each touch the sky at a different point that is yours, your expression, your gift. Be the gift to the world that gives no blame and no shame. Giving thanks for abundance is sweeter than the abundance itself. We rarely take time to hear our inner music but we're dancing to it nevertheless. Allow your present moment to be your dancing partner. The eye is meant to see things; the soul is here for its own joy. You were born with potential, with goodness and trust, with greatness and dreams of greatness. You were born with wings... Only from your heart center can you kiss the sky."